Bubble Balloon Bouquet with mini balloon Stuffing


Instead of having flowers in balloons, we have also created this fun and quirky balloon bouquets which are also nice and fun as gifts for friends. We play down the romantic side and stuff them with cute mini balloons instead. Add on a personalised greeting and there you have it a cute fun gift for that special someone.


Our bouquets include a 16″ bubble balloon stuffed with mini balloons inside. Bouquet would be wrapped with kraft, tissue and paper to match the flowers.


Do indicate the customised message to be printed on the balloon in the field below.


Do note that all our bouquets are not identical and your recipient would be receiving something unique and one of a kind.


Orders to be placed 2 days in advance, not including day of delivery. For urgent orders, please whatsapp us at 81618448.


Please keep the balloon away from sharp objects to avoid bursting of balloon. To ensure optimal life span of our bubble bouquets, do not store under hot sunlight or in places that are too cold.


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